Human-Carnivoran Interactions Symposium

Tom Gilbert

Professor, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Tom Gilbert

Tom Gilbert

Professor, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Plenary speaker


I am the director of the Danish National Research Foundation Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics as well as the group leader of the Hologenomics group at the GLOBE Institute. I am also a Professor of Palaeogenomics at the University of Copenhagen’s GLOBE Institute. Initially trained in Biological Sciences at the University of Oxford, I first encountered ancient DNA as part of his D.Phil research with Alan Cooper from 2000-2003. Following a postdoc working on the origin of HIV-1 at the University of Arizona, he moved to Copenhagen in 2005.

I lead two distinctly different streams of research. The first focuses on the study of life through the window of the holobiont, specifically how hosts and their microbes co-interact. The second of relevance to this talk is the sequencing and analysis of datasets comprised of both modern and ancient genomes, as applied to a wide range of questions spanning ecology, evolution, conservation genetics and (occasionally) archaeological science.

All sessions by Tom Gilbert